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Math Notebook and Calculator


What programs are eligible under STEM?

Educational programs (certificate and degree) in the areas of: science, technology, engineering, and math.

Who is eligible?

Single mothers pursuing completion of educational programs in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).

How do I apply?

Visit our APPLY page on this site to fill out the online application.

Can I apply multiple times?

Yes, applicants may apply multiple times.

Are scholarship funds available for those interested in STEM programs that do not require a traditional 2- or 4-year degree?

Yes, scholarship funds are available for single mothers pursuing certificate and degree educational programs in STEM.

Are single women that are not currently expecting or have children with a desire and limited means able to apply?

No, the scholarship opportunity is currently available to single mothers pursuing educational programs in STEM.

Are there ongoing requirements if I’m accepted?

Yes, to remain eligible for perpetual scholarship funds until completion of your educational program, recipients must maintain a 2.0 GPA, attend Single Mothers & STEM professional development workshops, and engage consistently with their assigned mentor.

How is my privacy protected?

Single Mothers & STEM recognize the importance of data security and privacy. We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and handling any personal information you provide to us with care and respect. Your participation in the programs are voluntary, and you choose whether to participate. By applying, you consent to the processing of your personal information by Single Mothers & STEM for the purpose of reviewing and considering applications and selecting award recipients. Single Mothers & STEM process your personal information only for the purpose for which it was collected. No personal data will be shared with third parties without your explicit choice. Unfortunately, no data transmitted over or accessible through the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while Single Mothers & STEM attempt to protect all of your information, Single Mothers & STEM cannot ensure or warrant that your information will be completely secure from misappropriations by hackers or from other nefarious or criminal activities or in the event of failure of computer hardware, software or a telecommunications network. Single Mothers & STEM will notify you in the event we become aware of a security incident involving your personal information stored by or for us (as defined and required by the applicable state and federal laws).

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